Saturday, June 11, 2011

Grouping Strategy A: STOP and SHOP

Reminder: Follow the rules during my class time.
Station 1: Ways of Learning About Nature  p.1-3
Station 2: Scientific Method p. 4-6
Station 3: Scientific Measurement and Notation p. 6-8
Station 4: Graphing Data p.8-10
Divide the class in 4 groups. You may count off to determine the members for each station. Choose 2 reporters per station. The reporters must prepare 10 items identification and 1 essay question worth 5 points. The questions must be encoded and printed for each member of the group. The test will be written and should be answered in the quiz notebook.You must be able to finish four stations per day that includes discussion, quiz and grading each other. four station = one day.  TY in advance.
There must be a little teacher in each group who will assign the tasks of being reporters or members.
Obey all my little teachers. Obeying them means you obey ME.
The following are the criteria:
For Reporters:
1. ability to explain the topics correctly.
2. ability to ask questions during the review.
3. ability to answer questions from the members of the group
4. well-modulated voice.
5. preparedness of test questionnaire for each member.
For Members:
1. ability to listen attentively.
2. ability to ask questions related to the topic.
3. ability to answer questions of the reporters.
4. ability to share ideas about the topic.
5. show cooperation and honesty during the activity.
The scale for grading:
3 – very good, 2 – fair, 1 – poor, 0 – no response to stimulus. Total Items: 15 pts.
For Visual Aids:
1. completeness and correct spelling of content
2. clarity of words
3. creativity
4. condition of visual aid
Scale: 5- E, 4- VG, 3- G, 2- f, 1- poor, 0- no visual aid. Total Items: 20 pts.

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